5 Powerful Science-Backed Reasons to Combine Turmeric, EBC-46 and Black Pepper

5 Powerful Science-Backed Reasons to Combine Turmeric, EBC-46 and Black Pepper

5 Powerful Science-Backed Reasons to Combine Turmeric and Black Pepper

At Blushwood Health, we’re passionate about helping you unlock the full potential of natural ingredients to support your well-being. While turmeric has been celebrated for its numerous health benefits, it’s important to know that your body doesn’t naturally absorb it well. Without the right support, your system might break it down too quickly, preventing you from reaping its full rewards. This is where black pepper comes into play, acting as a powerful ally in enhancing the absorption of turmeric’s active compounds.

In this article, we’ll dive into what makes turmeric and black pepper so special, explore their key active ingredients, and reveal five compelling, science-backed reasons why combining these two spices can elevate your health routine. Plus, we’ll introduce you to the best way to get started on this powerful combination with our Blushwood Berry Seed Extract Capsules EBC-46.


  • What Is Turmeric?
  • Key Active Compounds in Turmeric
  • What Is Black Pepper?
  • Key Active Compounds in Black Pepper
  • 5 Science-Backed Reasons to Combine Turmeric and Black Pepper
  • The Best Ratio of Turmeric to Black Pepper
  • The Best Ratio of Curcumin to Piperine
  • Final Thoughts on Turmeric and Black Pepper

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a widely revered spice known for its extensive health and culinary benefits. A staple in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, it grows naturally in India and Southeast Asia and is closely related to ginger. The vibrant yellow color of curry is attributed to turmeric, which is also utilized in the cosmetic, medical, and culinary industries as a natural dye and health-boosting spice.

Key Active Compounds in Turmeric

Turmeric is packed with several potent active compounds that make it a valuable addition to your health regimen:

  1. Curcumin

    Curcumin, the bright yellow compound in turmeric, is responsible for its distinctive color and numerous health benefits, including anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Research suggests that curcumin may help combat memory issues and reduce the risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. It also shows promise in cancer prevention and supports eye and organ health.

  2. Essential Oils

    Turmeric contains over 34 essential oils, including turmerone, atlantone, zingiberene, and germacrone. These oils enhance turmeric’s anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects, making it even more effective in fighting inflammation and disease.

  3. Flavonoids

    Rich in flavonoids, turmeric benefits from these natural compounds found in fruits, vegetables, tea, wine, and chocolate. Flavonoids offer anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cell-signaling properties that not only improve turmeric’s absorption but also enhance its overall health benefits.

What Is Black Pepper?

Black pepper, derived from the flowering vine native to South India, is one of the most widely used spices in the world. Renowned for its pungent taste and aroma, black pepper has a long history in traditional medicine and culinary practices. It’s also recognized for its medicinal properties, which have been confirmed by numerous studies.

Key Active Compounds in Black Pepper

Black pepper’s potency comes from its key active ingredients:

  1. Piperine

    Piperine, an alkaloid in black pepper, is responsible for its spicy flavor and strong aroma. It has antioxidant, antibacterial, and nutrient absorption properties, and research indicates that piperine may also have powerful anti-cancer effects, as well as positive impacts on depression and neurodegenerative diseases.

  2. Fiber

    Containing a moderate amount of dietary fiber, black pepper supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and aiding in nutrient absorption. Dietary fiber also plays a role in preventing diarrhea, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and enhancing bone health.

  3. Vitamin K

    One tablespoon of black pepper provides 13% of your daily recommended vitamin K intake, which is crucial for blood clotting and nutrient absorption.

5 Science-Backed Reasons to Combine Turmeric and Black Pepper

Here are five compelling reasons why combining turmeric and black pepper can significantly boost your health:

Piperine (in Black Pepper) Increases Curcumin (in Turmeric) Absorption by 2000%

Curcumin’s health benefits are well-documented, but its poor absorption into the bloodstream limits its effectiveness. Black pepper’s piperine helps your body absorb curcumin more efficiently, increasing its bioavailability by 2000%. This combination ensures that you receive the full spectrum of turmeric’s benefits.

This Combination Rivals Pharmaceutical Anti-inflammatory Drugs

When combined, turmeric and black pepper create a natural anti-inflammatory effect that rivals over-the-counter medications. Piperine reduces pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, while curcumin’s potent anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent arthritis from developing in the first place.
  1. This Combination Provides Another Option in the Battle Against Cancer

    Turmeric and black pepper together exhibit strong anti-cancer properties, disrupting the growth of cancer cells and protecting healthy tissue from damage during cancer treatments. Studies have shown that this combination can be effective against various types of cancer, including breast, colorectal, prostate, pancreatic, and leukemia.

  2. The Combination Rivals Diabetic Pharmaceuticals

    Research has shown that curcumin can be significantly more potent than leading diabetes drugs in activating the AMPK enzyme, which is crucial for glucose control. When combined with black pepper, turmeric becomes a powerful agent in managing diabetes, offering a natural alternative to pharmaceutical options.

  3. Combining Turmeric and Black Pepper Promotes Liver Health

    Turmeric supports liver detoxification and boosts bile production, while black pepper enhances the absorption of nutrients, including those crucial for liver function. Together, they protect the liver at a cellular level, aiding in detoxification and promoting overall liver health.

  4. The Best Ratio of Turmeric to Black Pepper

    For optimal benefits, a good starting point is a 1:4 ratio of black pepper to turmeric. This ratio may vary depending on the freshness of your ingredients and your specific health goals.

  5. The Best Ratio of Curcumin to Piperine

    A general guideline for curcumin to piperine is a 100:1 ratio. This equates to approximately 1.5 teaspoons of black pepper powder for every half-cup of turmeric. Start with smaller doses and gradually increase as needed.

Final Thoughts on Turmeric and Black Pepper

Combining turmeric and black pepper can significantly enhance your health routine by maximizing the absorption and effectiveness of these powerful natural compounds. At Blushwood Health, we recommend incorporating our Blushwood Berry Seed Extract Capsules EBC-46 into your wellness regimen. This potent supplement is designed to complement the benefits of turmeric and black pepper, providing you with an extra layer of support for your overall health.

For more tips on boosting your health and well-being, follow us on Instagram. Let Blushwood Health guide you on your journey to optimal wellness!

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